See how Yahoo OpenID works

It was a buzz in online world for few days when Yahoo announced it’s open ID support. And today I was logging into the Plaxo and noticed the Yahoo’s OpenID sign in.

So thought of giving a try. Here is a sequence of screenshots for you if you haven’t tried Yahoo OpenID. Previously I was using my WordPress user id for the OpenID. But now I’m using my Yahoo ID.

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Yahoo Pipes Filter for Hindu BusinessLine


Yahoo Pipes filter for Hindu BusinessLine Magazine!!!
This filters down the news items from Hindu Business line. This pipe filters Technology, Finance, Auto, Computer News items. I’ve just developed it , when I got irritated reading 1000+ news items from Hindu BusinessLine magazine.

Below are the feed sources for the pipe.

Check out my pipe here incase you want to customize more.

digg story

Yahoo Answers!!! – Yet another Sucess story from Yahoo

Yahoo made the biggie and it’s rival Google to close down one of it’s services, Google Answers and fall to it’s feet. Yahoo introduced Yahoo! Answers and made it rocked by making it free, where google charged few pennies to answer the questions.

That was one of the major move by Yahoo and now Yahoo rocks in the service. There is quite a pile of question in every topic from silly to macro thoughts. One should really make of this service, as lot of experts answers the question in the field you ask your question.

Now I made it as a daily habbit to visit the site and learn new things. This really a good place to know new things and clarify our own doubts too.

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