India Nowhere in the ‘Broad’Band

Today came across a web tool to test the speed of Broadband Internet service Provider , The site provides a flash based tool, with neat animation and counters to measure the speed of the upload / download limit of the broadband provided by your ISP.

It provides facility to measure the speed using various servers around the world. I’ve measured my ISP’s speed using servers located at Mumbai, Sweden, Texas and I could see a variable difference in my ISP’s speed.

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I heard this word mid of last year ( 2007 ). I was just scratching my head and trying to twist my tongue to pronounce the word “Zeitgeist“.

Man what the hell word is this, getting famous in Web. I started to search. Google seems to be culprit of making such tough words famous.

Zeit.geist -pronounce as siet.gust. ( A German Word ).

It means, a group of People, who spills world view on anything ( Mostly on Products, Trends ) over time.

About the Google Zeitgeist

Pulling together interesting search trends and patterns requires both computing power and human power too.

Even a movie will be release in March 2008. I’m wondering how the tamil movie industry will name the film.

50,000+ and Counting…

Yesterday I’ve noticed that my blog hit have crossed the 50,000+ mark. I still remember the day that I’ve created the WordPress ( in March 29th 2006 ) blog and migrated from Blogger software. The main reason I had at that time for the migration is the organizing the content under tags. WordPress, gave a great interface organizing the information accordingly. Also, various themes, stat tools really impressed me to switch over to it.

I could see a gradual increase over the readership of my blog. And in the month of October, it have reached the 50,000+ readers.

I just glanced the information of my blog. I feel that my blog should need a re-org of information. In future I’m planning to add new contents and topics. Hope I keep my readers providing new information.



Unconference Book

image A Couple of days back my corporate CTO blog had a discussion on the “” stuff and it had a great response. People are ready and interested for the and created lot of motive in it. It was again a new term that I came across in the CTO blog for the first time. I just started to dig into it and found lot of interested stuff about it. Now recently came across an effort of creating a book on . I just loved the quote “Because the Audience is More Intelligent than the speaker”. Thinking over the idea of , from the day one of the human started to make use of languages and acquire friends, there is . The usually occurs between two or more, either in family or friends. If you sit and think over it for quite few minutes, being with friends, we would have discussed about lot of things , comments on various things we see etc. So, we are always doing Unconference and it will exist and evolve in all aspects from this movement!!!

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Best of Blog Software

I always used to keep updates of all my software, tools and utilities I use. Because, I would like use to best of items in everything. Similarly, I was interested in knowing about the WordPress facilities and would like to compare between it’s contemporaries.

imageBut I was clueless like how to start with the comparison and how to approach and end with that. I’m sure that it would like a couple of days to make such comparison. And according to me, it’s not w

orth spending for such thing( don’t think of much, I’m just a lazy fellow ). So was just Googling and found an interesting site where people of my mind had put a big comparison table .

This is the link which I found!!!


  imageBut, WordPress disappoints me in quite few things. WordPress, offers editing custom CSS at some cost. Also, no Captchas is built in the wordpress yet ( I guess people should be working on it ). So, I used to get lot of junk comments and my Akismet is tired of filtering it out.


Anyways, This make me 🙂 that I use one of the best blogging software.

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